Danny Ramirez Martinez
Students I work with: First-year applicants from: AL, NM, OK, and parts of CA: Sacramento, San Joaquin County, South Bay, Long Beach, East, South and South Central Los Angeles.
Schedule an appointment with Danny
What is your favorite thing to do on campus?
I really enjoy going to the Baun Fitness Center. I am very passionate about health and fitness, so I try make it a priority to head to the gym either before or after work. It’s definitely a great way to destress.
What is your favorite place to go to in Stockton?
My favorite place to go to in Stockton would probably be Lincoln Center. I enjoy the environment, food and shopping.
What is your favorite movie?
My favorite movie would have to be End of Watch. It is a great heart-touching movie!
B.A. Communication, University of the Pacific