Mae Ketchel

Mae Ketchel

Transfer Admission Coordinator
Email Address:
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Students I work with: 

Undergraduate Transfer students

What is your favorite thing to do on campus?  

Nothing quite beats a nice Starbucks drink and a pleasant walk around the campus with my dog! I love to walk the grounds as often as possible because of the beautiful atmosphere that's created and how peaceful it truly is. It creates a wonderful location to sit out on the grass and draw or picnic in the pleasant sun.

What is your favorite place to go in Stockton? 

I absolutely can lose myself at our local Joann or at Quilter's Hollow! Nothing is quite as enjoyable to me as yarn shopping for my next crochet project or balancing fabric colors and patterns for a new quilt or dress! 

What's your favorite movie? 

While I am guilty of snuggling up to watch any of the Conjuring movies or the Paranormal Activity movies, nothing could possibly be better to me than Beetlejuice! Tim Burton movies have always had a soft spot for me, and the fun take on the afterlife portrayed in Beetlejuice is just so captivating and charming! 


Bachelors of Computer Science - Video Game Development