
Noteworthy Newsletter | Feb. 5, 2019

Noteworthy Newsletter | Feb. 5, 2019 Awards, recognition and service

Conservatory of Music

Feilin Hsiao, program director for Music Therapy, was elected a member of the Commission for the Education and Clinical Training of the 21st Century Music Therapist at the annual American Music Therapy Association conference.

Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

David Gillette, assistant professor of physical therapy, is the principal investigator on a $13,000 grant from the University of the Pacific Technology in Education Committee for the project "The Use of Augmented Reality to Improve Comprehension, Reflection, and Behavior." Collaborators on the project are Preeti Oza, assistant professor of physical therapy, Alicia Raben-Amen, assistant professor of physical therapy and director of clinical education, Cathy Peterson, professor and chair of physical therapy, Todd Davenport, professor and program director of physical therapy, Tamara Phelan, professor of physical therapy, and Thomas Koesterer, associate clinical professor and program director of athletic training.  

Rajul A. Patel '01, '06, professor of pharmacy practice, on behalf of the Medicare Part D Outreach Clinics, received a $25,000 grant from the Emmanuel Medical Center (EMC) Health Foundation to continue to serve seniors living in Turlock and the surrounding area.


College of the Pacific

Martín Camps, professor of modern languages and literature, Published the article "Adiós a la pólvora quemada" in the journal: Crítica: Revista de la Universidad Autónoma de Puebla (No. 128). Camps published the chapter "Bestiario fronterizo" in the book Estudos Hispânicos: Reflexões e Perspectivas, edited by Marcelo Miranda, published by Pontes Editores, Brazil, 2018.   

Carolyn Kohn, professor of psychology, Rutvi Patel '18 and Matthew Normand, professor of psychology, co-authored the paper, "Incentivizing physical activity using token reinforcement with preschool children," published in the Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis.  

Ajna Rivera, associate professor of biological sciences, and Kristina Koyama '14, '17, co-authored the paper "Embryonic development of the myodocopid ostracod Euphilomedes carcharodonta Smith, 1952" in the Journal of Crustacean Biology. Rivera also co-authored the paper "Sexually Dimorphic Eye-Loss Driven by Ecological Selection in an Ostracod Crustacean: Support for the Reproductive Role Hypothesis" published in the journal Integrative and Comparative Biology (58:3). Co-authors are Alexis Arenz '16, '18, Tiffanie Tran '15, Kristina Koyama '14, '17, and Astrid Marin Gomez '20.  

Liang Xue, associate professor of chemistry, Krege Christison '19, and O. David Sparkman, visiting lecturer in chemistry, co-authored the paper, "Exploring the Molecular Origin of Jet Fuel Thermal Oxidative Instability through Statistical Analysis of Mass Spectral Data," published in Energy & Fuels.  

Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry

Doug Young, professor of diagnostic sciences, co-authored the article "Nonrestorative Treatments for Caries: Systematic Review and Network Meta-analysis," published in the Journal of Dental Research (98:1).  

McGeorge School of Law

Francis J. Mootz III, professor of law, published the lead article, "Judging Well," in the Washington University Jurisprudence Review (11:1), which draws on several jurisprudential traditions to provide an account of how to assess whether a judge is "judging well."

Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Adam Kaye '95, professor of pharmacy practice, co-authored the article  "Use of Biologics in the Management of Low Back Pain: American Society of Interventional Pain Physicians (ASIPP) Guidelines" in the Journal Pain Physician (22:1S)

University Libraries

Mary Somerville, university librarian, Niraj Chaudhary, associate university librarian for organizational innovation, and Elham Sayyad-Abdi, Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence in the School of International Studies, co-authored the paper "Informed Systems: 'Designing Together' for 'Learning Together'," which promotes using information to learn during systems design and within designed systems, to advance co-worker capability and further organizational capacity.      

Presentations and artistic activity

College of the Pacific

Marcia Hernandez, associate dean and professor of sociology, presented on the panel: "Millennial/Gen Z Students of Color and Racial Justice: How administrators of color are working across generations," at the Association of American Colleges & Universities Annual Meeting in Atlanta, Georgia, in Jan. 23–26.  

Xiaojing Zhou, professor of English, presented the paper "Poetic Testimonies of Women Migrant Workers' Plight as Verses of Our Era: Women Migrant Workers by Zheng Xiaoqiong" at the 134th MLA Convention in Chicago, Jan. 3–6.  

McGeorge School of Law

Franklin Gevurtz, distinguished professor of law, presented the paper, "Extraterritoriality and the Fourth Restatement of Foreign Relations Law: Opportunities Lost", at the symposium on The Extraterritorial State sponsored by the Classical Liberal Institute at NYU School of Law and held at Willamette University School of Law Jan. 25.    

Brian Slocum, professor of law, presented "The Scope and Limits of Corpus Analysis for Legal Interpretation" on a panel on Law and Corpus Linguistics Theory at the fourth annual Symposium on Corpus Linguistics and the Law at the J. Reuben Clark Law School at Brigham Young University Feb. 7–9.    

Thomas J. Long School of Pharmacy and Health Sciences

Todd Davenport, professor and program director of physical therapy, presented in several sessions at the American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting in Washington, D.C., Jan. 23–26: He presented the educational session, "Ethics of Societal Transformation: APTA's Code of Ethics in the 21st Century"; he co-presented the educational session, "Leaky Pipelines and Revolving Doors: Why Diversity and Inclusion in Physical Therapy Seem Elusive"; he was a co-presenter on the course "Community Health Promotion Grant-Writing Workshop"; and was a co-presenter on the educational session "CPG to Recognize Health Conditions That May Necessitate Referral to a Physician."

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