
Pacific website redesign project update

Pacific website redesign project update

University of the Pacific is redesigning its website to improve the user experience, which will contribute to increased enrollment, fundraising and community engagement and support. The university has selected Simpson Scarborough as the vendor partner for this project.

Phase one is underway and includes research and the development of new webpages to support 2020 undergraduate yield. The research findings will shed light on Pacific’s brand, key competitors and opportunities and will be used to inform the website redesign. The research includes focus groups with students, faculty, staff, alumni and leadership. It will also include an online survey to ensure everyone has the opportunity to participate. The survey will be available in the next few weeks. The website steering committee has been actively engaged in providing insight from the various university divisions and helping to define best practice foundations.

As the project progresses, the project team will share updates on the project SharePoint site. To learn more, please visit the SharePoint site or contact Senior Director of Digital Communications Jeff Harris (