McGeorge offers a part-time, evening, four-year JD program for students who can devote only a portion of their time to the study of law. Scholarships are available to help finance your education. Please contact our financial aid office for more information.

The full- and part-time divisions have essentially the same curriculum, faculty, and methods of instruction, and maintain the same scholastic standards and degree requirements.


Part-Time Program At-A-Glance

  • Fall and Spring classes Monday through Thursday evenings, from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
  • Summer classes in a condensed format, including interesting electives
  • Required courses taught by experienced, full-time professors
  • Access to essentially the same learning opportunities available to full-time students
  • Fall term runs from about the third week in August through just before Thanksgiving
  • The Spring term runs the first week in January through April
professor dan croxall lecturing
Evening classes at McGeorge

The full- and part-time divisions have essentially the same curriculum, faculty, and methods of instruction, and maintain the same scholastic standards and degree requirements.

When will I be in class?

During the academic year, evening classes are typically offered on Monday through Thursday evenings, from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. To stay on track to graduate in four years, students also take summer school classes during two to three summers. At times part-time upper-division students opt to take some daytime courses during their third or fourth year, as their work/family schedule permits. There are some opportunities to take classes online or on weekends.

What classes will I take?

Part-time students take the same courses as full-time students, arranged to fit into the evening hours during a four year period. The first and second year part-time curriculum is fixed and students take all of their classes together, with the exception of Global Lawyering Skills I and II, which meet in smaller groups. The third and fourth year curriculum is more flexible, consisting largely of electives and bar-tested subjects. Below are sample first and second year part-time schedules:

  • Analytical Skills Lab (1 hour)
  • Global Lawyering Skills I (2 hours)
  • Torts (4 hours)
  • Civil Procedure (2 hours)
  • Total = 9 credit hours

  • Global Lawyering Skills I (2 hours)
  • Criminal Law (4 hours)
  • Civil Procedure (2 hours)
  • Legal Profession (1 hour)
  • Total = 9 credit hours

  • Global Lawyering Skills II (2 hours)
  • Contracts (4 hours)
  • Statutes & Regulation (3 hours)
  • Total = 9 credit hours

  • Global Lawyering Skills II (2 hours)
  • Constitutional Law (4 hours)
  • Property (4 hour)
  • Total = 10 credit hours

Accelerated Part-Time Program (3.5 Years)

Some part-time students opt to take additional credits during summer and the third and fourth year to accelerate their graduation date by one semester, meeting the degree requirements in three-and-a-half years, rather than four. This is permitted without special approval; however, the Registrar's Office always needs to have a correct expected graduation date on file for each student.

Switching from Part-Time to Full-Time

Upon satisfactory completion of the first year of study, students may apply for transfer between the full-time and part-time programs. The Assistant Dean for Student Affairs will consider academic performance to date in making her determination. Students with at least a 3.0 cumulative GPA will be permitted to switch.

International Students

JD students with an F-1 Visa must enroll with at least 12 units if attending the full-time program, or at least eight (8) units if attending the part-time program.