About PLSS

The Pacific McGeorge Public Legal Services Society (PLSS) is a student organization dedicated to enhancing the ability of law graduates to choose public interest or public service careers. PLSS was established in 1990 by students who recognized that student loan debt could very likely deter or prevent their employment in jobs that serve the public interest.

Assisted by faculty and staff, the students began the tradition of a yearly auction to raise money to fund a Loan Repayment Assistance Program (LRAP). With the encouragement of the law school, PLSS expanded its mission to include funding students’ summer internships in public interest work.

With the assistance of PLSS grants, Pacific McGeorge students are able to engage in meaningful public assistance and public policy-related legal work in a wide variety of organizations, both domestically and abroad. The LRAP continues to support Pacific McGeorge graduates in public interest positions, including legal services organizations, district attorney and public defender offices, state agencies, and more. 

PLSS also organizes career development, educational, and community service activities for the McGeorge community. 

PLSS Social Media

Board Members

  • President — Cortney Kesterson
  • Vice Presidents — Emily Cruz and Mitch Davis
  • Treasurer — Mariah Sanders
  • Secretary — Katie Maxwell

What is “Public Interest Law”?

Many students do not realize that the type of law they want to practice falls under the public interest “umbrella.”  Generally, attorneys who represent state agencies, non-profits, and/or members of the indigent community are considered public interest practitioners. In addition, many attorneys at private law firms that bring causes of action to protect civil rights, civil liberties, women’s rights, or the environment are considered public interest lawyers.

The following are generally considered public-interest employers:

  • Non-profit organizations
  • State and federal agencies
  • Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
  • International agencies that advocate humanitarian causes
  • Private law firms that lobby for environmental protectionism
  • The District Attorney’s Office
  • The Public Defender’s Office
  • The Judge Advocate General Corps (JAG)
  • The Attorney General
  • The Office of the Federal Defender

Community Outreach

Mission & Goals — the mission of the PLSS Community Outreach Chair is to: (1) organize and recruit students to participate in volunteer projects, (2) coordinate and combine efforts with the McGeorge Alumni Community Service Committee and other local non-profit organizations, (3) strengthen McGeorge’s ties with the Oak Park community through philanthropy and fundraising, and (4) promote PLSS’s reputation in the Greater Sacramento area.

McGeorge’s Public Legal Services Society Celebration

Stay tuned for more information about PLSS’s 2024 Spring Celebration Event!

PLSS Summer Grant Program

Proceeds will provide McGeorge School of Law students modest stipends to work this summer for nonprofit or governmental organizations. Without such funding, students cannot afford to accept these positions. With funding, they can undertake a broad range of needed projects to benefit low-income clients, such as helping protect the rights of children, individuals with disabilities, and the elderly among others.

PLSS Charity of the Year

My Sister's House is a nonprofit that serves Asian and Pacific Islander and other underserved women and children impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking by providing a culturally appropriate and responsive safe haven, job training, and community services.


There is a $20 registration fee for students and $30 for non-students. Proceeds benefit the PLSS Summer Grants Program. Questions?